Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Learn How To Application

Have you ever tried a deep understanding of the notion of applications? Sometimes when we discuss a word meaning, some people may not be able to explain in its literal, either in its essence, or certainly the intent of the meaning of the word Application is a loan word derived from English, namely application. Undergo a process of absorption into Indonesian be "application", the meaning of the word itself is an action performed by a thing that comes from the results of an analysis, strategy, calculation of a person who makes it ripe.

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Can A Beginner Make Money in Application
If our underlying the word "application" with the understanding of computerized technology world today, the notion of a software application on the computer technology to be used and exploited as a mediation task of implementing a user command results. An example is a media player application to more specifically eg listening to music, the program was created as a mediator we (as a user) to help implement the desire to listen to music on a computer, then we activate the application and then select the desired by us and in the end the application will help you activate all the data required and provided by the computer program in order to turn on the sound, activate a program, and perform the songs that we have chosen.

The benefits and usability of applications

The benefits and usability of applications in everyday life, fold into several areas that we can specification, namely:

- The benefits and usability of applications in computer technology, is a masterpiece of incredible, helpful and very exceptional for all purposes of man today. Because applications in the computer already indirectly helping you maximize the performance of the robot / chips that are programmed into the computer to do all your orders. From the start of the application to open music, video, documentation, design for interior and exterior architect, then painting, recording, music creation, and so forth, causing a physical work results from the application that was created by the market makers of computer technology.

- The benefits and usability that is in technological gadgets, much like your computer needs, but it's easier to indulge beyond anywhere and anytime, because this simple device has been armed technologies brought simple but extraordinary use. Applications have been made by the creators of this software already lets you do all the activities and desires in a gadget, both in terms of communication in the virtual world with a lot of people, get various information updated throughout the world from just a small gadget you, and other benefits. Regarding it all are the work of a great application.

- The benefits and usability of applications in your daily life is a matter of real evidence required to act in a life to achieve something useful like an application program that is in computer technology, gadget, or your mobile phone. When equated with a computer software, these applications can finish a task that instructed users, the software has been helpful for its users each used for needs. Therefore, the application of life is also very necessary to complete a task performed as a human being. Create a work useful for society is the human form as his duty applications. When the benefits of computer applications in the form of software useful for users, humans should also make applications in other fields that could be beneficial to life and the environment that could be felt by all walks of life.

- Uses computer applications is now very helpful in every activity, therefore the goodness application also had to be proved on a fellow human being in a relationship of togetherness to reach the merits of each sector to be helpful to one another.
    History of Application-Applications can be interpreted as a form of a software program running on a particular system is useful to help the various activities undertaken by humans. In addition to the definition above, there are many senses of the word 'application' put forward by the experts. Here are some definitions of applications according to some experts are quite popular:
Definition of Application According to the Experts

    Ali Zaki and SmitDev Community

According to Ali Zaki and SmitDev Community, App is a component useful as a medium to carry out data processing or other activities such as the manufacture or processing of documents and files.

    Sri Widianti

According to Sri Widianti, is a software application (software), which served as a front end to a system used to manage a wide variety of data so that it becomes a useful information for users and system related issues.

    Harip Santoso

According Harip Santoso, Application is a group of files (classes, forms, reports) designated as executing specific activities interrelated applications such as for example payroll and fixed asset applications.


According Yuhefizar, Apps are programs that deliberately created and developed as fulfilling the needs of its users in performing a particular job.

    Heng W. Pramana

According to Heng W. Pramana, understanding the application is a software unit that is deliberately created to meet the need for various activities or jobs, such as commercial activities, advertising, community service, games, and various other activities undertaken by humans.
History of Ideas
Before the first application in the world is found, there is a very long history in the process of application discovery. Long before the applications on the computer can run sophisticated nowadays, all the software (software) always rely on Boolean algebra. Algebra uses binary code digits (bits), which consists of a du number is 1 (true / on) and 0 (false / off). The complexity (too long) the use of a binary code digit is making people when it began to make groups of bits comprising nible (4 bits), bytes (8 bits), word (2 bytes), and the double word (32 bit ).

The presence of groups of bits is quite helpful in a variety of activities carried out in the computer software. With a diverse group of bits that existed at that time, people began to assemble these codes into various structures such as transfer instructions, logic operations, and storage, and eventually formed the new codes that we are familiar with the name of the assembler. Assembler code is the one who later became the forerunner made a wide range of applications that are currently able to facilitate a variety of human activities.

    History of Application-That is some sense app along with the historical development of applications in the technology world. Until now, the application continues to grow pesar in line with the rapid developments in the technology world.